The trustees would like to thank this group of ladies for choosing our charity to donate their money to.

The great minds big hearts was formed after we all met in 2019 whilst on a ‘moving forward with cancer course run by the pru and kings college trust. We decided to keep in touch as we’d bonded so well and meeting up 2 or 3 times a year and support
eachother on our whatts app group too. We are very grateful to the hospital trust for their excellent service to us all whilst struggling with our various different breast cancer journies and as such when it was suggested to donate some money we knew that selbct had had a direct impact in many of the hospitals we were all treated in so it was a no brainer for us to send the funds to
their worthy cause.


Patients Support Group Meeting June 2024

Lovely warm evening tonight sitting in the garden of the...

June 100 Club draw

SELBCT 100 CLUB DRAW Well done to the June winners...