Hi Everyone,
We still have some tables for our yearly SELBCT Pink Ball, if you would like to join us either on your own, a couple or book a tables please do get in touch.
I will this year be hosting a ladies table as well, so if you would like to join me please do get in touch.
To see what we get up to please go to our web site and go to the events section, look back at past balls and you will see what fun we have.
The SELBCT Pink Ball
Date: Friday 10th November
Venue :- The Warren Hayes
Timings:- 6.30 for 7.15 sit down Carriages at Midnight
Cost:- £60 per person
There will be the usual Raffle and Auction,
Dancing to our live band ‘The Good Times’
Three coarse meal, choice from the following
o Starters
o Duck & Champagne Terrine with Apricot relish & Toasts
o Fig & Goats Cheese parcels with a balsamic syrup salad (veggie)
o Main Meal
o Slow braised Beef with a merlot & shallot sauce.
 Baby salted roast potatoes, and a selection of
seasonal veg.
o Mushroom, Brie & Cranberry wellington (veggie option)
o Dessert
o Warm chocolate Fondant with vanilla ice cream
o Strawberry & Prosecco truffle
To make payment here are the details
Sort Code: 20-14-33
A/C Nbr: 73642879
A/C Name: South East London Breast Cancer Trust
Thank you all for your support and hoping to see many of you on the night..
love and best wishes
Georgie x

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