St. Mary Cray Festival July 2013


On Saturday 14th July SELBCT ran a fund raising and information giving stall at the St Mary Cray Festival. The event was well supported by local residents and we were able to chat to a number of women who had concerns about themselves or a relative’s illness. We never give medical advice but where possible we sign post women and men to an appropriate practitioner. A few women we spoke to had missed a mammogram, all women concerned were encouraged to make an appointment. We also gave out Break Through Breast Cancer credit card size leaflets on how to self check to every adult we came in to contact with.

In addition to touching base with the St. Mary Cray Community we raised £237 in donations. In addition the Liberal Democrat Councillor David McBride and his team donated their fund raising of £50 to us.

We would like to thank Nicky Barkley for inviting us to be the main charity of the event and for his hard work in organising the entire festival! A very successful and enjoyable day, with live music to keep everyone entertained.

Special Mentions: Fund raisers on the day- Miles Bullock- Chair, Trustees Karen Caton-Hewings, Georgie de la Nougerede, Sam Crinnion, charity secretary Sam Featherstone and volunteers Pippa Harris, Claire Tipping, Caroline and Matthew Peters, Lynn Beverley, Jane Knight and Amanda Featherstone  and all the children.


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