If you would like to support Eleanor please go to My Donate Eleanor Jones in aid of SELBCT.


Eleanor wrote-
The equipment SELBCT  provided to my local hospital helped me and added light to the terrifying journey. I would like to raise funds to help other patients receive the best of the best. I will do whatever it takes to help and that includes facing my fear of heights and trekking the Himalayas!

Event details

Trekking the Himalayas
I will be trekking up to 9 hours a day, in altitude, across difficult terrain, in all weather conditions, including the freezing cold; all this over a period of ten days. I will be staying in very basic accommodation, a far cry from my favoured sort of accommodation – no 5 star spa hotels here!
I will be woken up every morning with a cup of tea, which I pray won’t give me Nepalese belly and a bowl of warm water to wash in. No showers, no hair washing for 10 whole days….

The whole trip scares me, particularly the part of the trek that will start before sunrise. I will need to wear a torch on my head so I can see where I put my feet because it will be pitch black. I am lost for words on this part, no break a leg jokes please – it could happen!

I will take a video diary whilst I am away so if you are interested you can have a glimpse into this bonkers but worthwhile journey!

Event date
14-April-2017 00:00 –
23-April-2017 00:00

Event type
Trekking the Himalayas!



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