Hi Everyone,
We had a great evening last night at The SELBCT Support Group, where we welcomed Paula Lloyd and Lindsay O’Neil from the Therapy Centre, Shortlands. Bromley.078381 35080

We discussed and experienced the smells and the use of the Aromatherapy oils.
Paula is happy to come back to discuss any of the following-
Aromatherapy with hand/neck massage.
Reflexology hand massage.
Indian head massage.
Nutrition for health.

If you would be interested in hearing about any of these subjects, please email me and we will get Paula to come back in future months.

Also a big thank you to Vi for making our cakes and Holly for bringing our Mince Pies.

Februarys meeting will have a quiz night, which I will remind you about nearer the time.
Georgie x


August 2024 100 club draw

SELBCT 100 CLUB DRAW Well done to the August winners...

August 2024 Patients Support Group

SELBCT Patients Support Group. enjoyable evening, sitting in the garden...